Two days ago, my yard was covered up with snow! Today temps are in the 60's and it is gorgeous! I finally found an Ofkuskee sheriff deputy who heard me out and is coming to explain today to my neighbors that the goats cannot wander on my place, nor the chickens, nor any of their family. Sad that it had to come to this, but there have been a couple of events recently that had scared me. Anyone who lnows me knows I dont scare easy. As long as it gets done, I will be fine with it. They even had a reserve deputy on duty last night who swung through my road a few times throughout the night. Best sleep I have gotten in weeks. Bonus: The neighbors goats have been penned in the tiny chicken coop all day. I think they spied the sheriff car last night.
Spring appears to be settling in, so I took advantage and replanted potato plants, peas, and even some carrots. i am anxious to get the garden going, but only cool weather crops will go in so far because I have a sneaking suspicion that we have one or two more heavy frosts to come. The local spring frost free date is mid April.
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