Saturday, July 11, 2015

So today I went walking up to the northwest corner. I have been looking for the second well that I was told was there.  I think I found it, it is covered with plywood......but the pvc casing id
s pulled out of the top and in the bushes.  I also found another foundation.....all stone.....that apparently is still solid since it s holding water tha shows no sign of draining anytime soon!  It also has a long cement slab......

Sunday, July 5, 2015

What an interesting time these past couple months have been.  First so much rain it set new records (21" in May alone!).  It finally dried enough for the first time on 6 weeks to mow around the cabin.  There are mushrooms everywhere, and wildflowes abundantly.  I have begun work on a small patio for the cabin.  It will reduce mowing, yes, but also give me an area to sit in the shade, and enjoy the evening air when I am home.  The garden is producing abundantly, tomatos, and even the cornand eggplant are doing well.  I found some sand plum trees with ripe fruit.  Had never seen these trees before!

Ialso recently acquired more acreage, and with it came an older cabin, two more gates, one with a finished driveway directly off the county road, and an electric pole.  It is said to have a well, but it is very overgrown (again all that rain), and I have not found it yet.  

Saturday, May 30, 2015

After not being able to get home for two weeks due toall the high water, and flooding in Oklahoma, I was able to be home this weekend.  I had visions of a flooded out garden, and while the corn seems a bit overrwatered, reallyall this rainfall seems to have helped. I have berries galore ripening, tomatoes growing g. Strikes me as fitting how much better the garden does when you put it in at the correct time, and not a month late!  Next week, is rhe one year anniversary of my arrival to livw full time on aSilver Moon Homested!

The pond really is overflowing now, and either I have oil below the surfce that is being pushed up with the water, or someone above me has dumped oil or chemicals and it has come down on my place, as runoff- neither is a good prospect?

The ravine that two weeks ago was a  raging stream bed has slowed to a trickle. That and evidence that flood waters are receding makes me think we have weathered (pun intended) this rain crisis.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Silver Moon Homestead is growing!  Recently a parcel with almost 13.5 acres came available directly across the dirt road from the cabin.  Due to the change in occupation, I was able to pick up this parcel, and add to mynholdings.  It has a small pond, that until recently was pretty much dried up.  That pond is manmade, and holds rainwater.  Right now it has water, but we have been blesssed with rainlately.  I plan to excavate it deeper, and enlarge its back boundary.  Pictures will come later.

I am nearly finished my refresher training, and preparing to go out in my own truck here in another week and a half.  Right now that means I am not home as much, but I get in regularly.  Neighbors watch over Ms. Boo in my absence, and  she is always happy to see me again.

I will need to either hire someone to mow the lawn, or get it done.  The past two times have been too wet and rainy to mow.  Fencing the home place is scheduled for a couple weeks from now. Eventually I will need to fence the new property, but that will be mostly. pasture, with the barn on that acreage.

While this is not exactly the journey I dreamed of, being flexible and continuing to follow the dream is important.  There are many positive things that have happened since I left teaching, and returned to trucking.  The sacrifices I make now to secure the dream are worth it to me.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Planting is done for this week.  It rained most of today, so I took time to get countertops fitted to my cabinets.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I made it!  Passed my testing on Tuesday, and am now the proud owner of an Oklahoma CDL.  They are yellow in color and are referred to as the Golden Ticket!  Two days later, and I am still thrilled that it is over.  I leave Monday to go to Dallas for Orientation at Schneider National.  I ended up staying in Tulsa through Wednesday because the closest Pre-Employment screening for my new job was in Tulsa!  So yesterday Ingot that done, now just need to get through Orientation, get into a pumpkin truck,  and enjoy my new career.
Since I have a few days at home ( wont be home for three weeks once I leave for orientation) , I am getting things planted, and organized.  A friend has offered to watch over Ms. Boo for the orientation/training time, so she is going to be loved and cared for!  Once I am done with the training phase, I will be home two days a week, and she and I will be good for that!
So far, we have planted tomato plants, eggplants, seeded more peas, carrots, and radishes. I have also planted lilies up by the pond, and columbine by the back of the cabin.   I will plant early corn and cukes right before I Leave.  I am blessed to be living in an area that gets abundant rain, so with mulch my garden will survive through this.
 I am excited because I will be making enough to not only pay bills, but also put up fencing in sections during home times.  I will also need to have a concrete pad poured  that will support my bobtail ( truck without the trailer).  I will be able to bring it home as long as it is not too wet between now and when I get it poured.
Lots of things are happening at the Silvere Moon.  Keep up!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

What a change a month makes!  While I continue to blog on the facebook page weekly, under the same name-silvermoonhomestead- I have had seveal requests to continue this blog as well.  I will honor those requests as I realize even with the popularity of Facebook, not everyone has made the leap onto Facebook.
Due to unique circumstances, I am no longer employed as a teacher.  Nope, I never touched a child to harm them. This is more of family issues that dictated this change.  In any case, I am in a truck driving school regaining my Class A CDL and returning to trucking in the near future.  It is a sad commentary that the majority of jobs other than teachers pay much better than teaching.  In my case, after being off the road for more than 10 years, I can step back into a job and double my pay.
I should be going to orientation for the company of my choice in the next couple of weeks.  I just have to pass my Pre-Trip, Backing, and Road test and head out from there.
What does this mean for my single female run homestead?  It means that projects will be done when I get home, it means I will be on the lookout for supplies needed as I wander the area I drive in.  I intend to get a job driving regional ( normally run within 5-10 states of home) . It means I hope to be home at least two days a week, and work on the homestead for those days.  It does put animals on hold, but as mentioned before without fencing, I would not be able to keep the neighbors livestock out or mine in.  I will work on getting fencing done, the barn built, and the cabin totally done for this year.  I am also going to ramp up becoming debt free.  On a teaching salary, this would have taken over 10 years, but now I anticipate less than five years.
You never know who is reading this blog!  A lady in the class ahead of me graduated yesterday.  She is the second female to complete the road test in one try.  I anticipate being the third!  Anyway, while talking with her husband, I discovered they have been reading my blog!  Congrats to Lisa Cerda and her husband, Rick!  She will start driving in the next couple of weeks, then he is thinking of following in her footsteps, and joining her on the road.  Sometimes you have to be flexible and adjust plans to follow your dream.  I am adapting to ensure I keep following my dream.  I love coming back home after time away.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The thaw today showed me that the well head and pvc pipes from the head to the bury hydrant had cracked.  What a startling sound water rushing down the front lawn was.  Repairs made, have to wait 24 hours before using. Since the rural roads are still quite the slip and slide, I opted to sleep in Shawnee tonight. Hot shower, free wifi, hello motel 6.  Literally sleeping one mile from school.  LOL...hoping they won't call school tomorrow for icy roads.

Two days ago, my yard was covered up with snow!  Today  temps are in the 60's and it is gorgeous!  I finally found an Ofkuskee sheriff deputy who heard me out and is coming to explain today to my neighbors that the goats cannot wander on my place, nor the chickens, nor any of their family.  Sad that it had to come to this, but there have been a couple of events recently that had scared me.  Anyone who lnows me knows I dont scare easy.  As long as it gets done, I will be fine with it.  They even had a reserve deputy on duty last night who swung through my road a few times throughout the night.  Best  sleep I have gotten in weeks.  Bonus: The neighbors  goats have been penned in the tiny chicken coop all day.  I think  they spied the sheriff car last night.
Spring appears to be settling in, so I took advantage and replanted potato plants, peas, and even some carrots.  i am anxious to get the garden going, but only cool weather crops will go in so far because I have a sneaking suspicion that we have one  or two more heavy frosts to come.  The local spring frost free date is mid April.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

A second storm roared through beginning on Friday. It was a repeat of Monday in that we went to school, cold clear but good roads.  By noon it was snowing, with ice mixed in. Took two hours to come home, again due to roads. It finally quit  today with nearly four inches in the yard and top covering of ice. The  yard is beautiful, especially with no tracks in it.  Other than getting firewood from the porch and watching the ice melt off the roof in sheets, I have not been out since gettingin last night.  The plan of the day was making soup,making, and snoozing in the shared recliner!  Through it all Ms. Boo supervised!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

This snow was quite a strong storm, nearly 2 inches arrived Monday afternoon between lunch and dinner.  The nice thing about my location is it also melts fairly quickly!  Still having difficulty with the neighbor and their invading chickens and goats.  They tried putting up a partial fence out of pallets. Looks nice, but does not run the full length of the boundary. They stated they thought the animals would not walk around the ends......yep, they do!

Apparently winter has decided to take over here I. North Central Oklahoma.  On Monday, it was cold with blustery winds, and gunmetal grey skies.  I left for the school where I teach at my normal time and it took the normal 35 minutes to get there.  By mid morning, the snow/sleet mix had begun to drop out of the sky.  Kids were kept in for lunch recess ( I teach at a middle school and. That outdoor time is very important on the students AND the teachers sanity).  By dismissal at 3:35pm, we had to keep kids in until loading on the bus because the temps had dropped, and the snow and sleet mix had coated all the roads, and walkways. Kids who normally walk home were instructed to call someone to come get them.  I left as quickly as possible, as soon as getting the room prepared for the next days state writing exam ( all walls covered so no instructional or motivational posters werre visible). The drive home took 90 minutes with the worst being once I was off the interstate and into Lincoln county.  They had not plowed, nor treated that anyone could tell.  The interstate I could go about 55 mph because both treated and plowed, though still slippery on the bridges.  By the time I climbed the last hill into Prague and headed east to Paden, the roads had gotten worse.  Once I crossed into my county (Ofkuskee) I could see sand and what looked like cinders spread on the road as some attempt to treat them.  At this point I could safely get to 35mph. Once off the pavement and onto the four miles of dirt road to the house, it became a bit easier to manuever because the semis going into and out of the gas plant had "broken trail" for me.  One of the things I have learned about homesteading, is own a big brawny pick up, preferably four wheel drive.  Something's to remember when out driving I wintry weather.....don't go faster than you feel it is safe.  If many people get backed up behind you, pull off for a moment and let them go by.  Saves stress on you every time you look in your mirror.  Stay home if possible in the worst of it!  Keep a blanket, extra warm jacket, bottles of water, and even some protein bars in the car in case you get stuck.  
   We did get a snow day today (Tues) and I am guessing will do the state exam tomorrow on our return.  Ms. Boo and I are staying comfy and warm in front of the wood stove today, which is keeping the cabin at a comfy 75 degrees with very little effort.  I have turned off the electric space heater that I use during the day when not home.  I did take a walk up the hill to see and yep the pond is frozen, though not ice enough, by anyone's stretch of the imagination to walk out over the ice!  The next storm is forecasted to hit us on Friday night and through the weekend.
I plan on cooking and baking today to take advantage of the wood stove heat.  Ya'll stay warm and dry!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wonderful gentle soaking rains all day today.  I have done some baking, laundry, and kept a small fire going in the wood stove today- just enough to keep the chill off.  Today's high was only 42 which just felt raw after two weeks of near summer temps.
Just to let my followers know, there is also a Facebook page for SilverMoon Homestead now.  Eventually, I will just post just on that venue, as it reaches more people.  In the meantime, I will post on both.  It will be a slow weaning process.  Facebook not only reaches more people, but pictures are easier to load, and label there.  It is my hope that all of my followers here will go like the Silver Moon Homestead page and continue following on that sight.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

After a couple weeks of freezing temps, finally the sun popped up and the temps zoomed into the 60's. In honor of the nice weather, several jobs on my to do list are being tackled.  There is always wood to cut, the cabin to clean.
 I managed to learn ho much fun it is to change a headlight bulb on the Dodge! Slightly over an hour, and a visit to Rick to help at the end, and I again have two working headlights.
There was a meeting today with like minded folks who are into tiny homes.  It was interestin to hear all the different ideas.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

It has been a very long and cold week!  Keeping the wood stove going, backing up with propane as needed.  My pond has a welcome visitor.  I appear to have a young blue heron visiting. He/she has been on the far side of the pond the last couple days, flying away when I approach.  I haven't gotten a picture yet.  I am torn between continuing to try, and knowing if left alone it may stay.  I elect to intrude only when absolutely necessary.
Thursday was the coldest day, started at 3 degrees with wind chill of minus 11. It only made it into the teens.  The weather man has promised 50's in another week, but until then we will continue to have freeze temps.  Ice and snow are in the forecast this week, and I hope for no snow days at the school where I teach.
 Try to stay warm!  The pond is slushy frozen,

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years!  As I welcome in 2015, I make resolutions.  Before starting on my homestead these would have been the typical:  get fit, maybe join a gym, make better financial decisions, etc.  As I begin the second half of my first year on my homestead, getting fit is as easy as cutting wood for the stove, working in the garden, etc.  My homestead is my gym.  Better financial decisions are an ongoing venture for every American these days as we slowly climb off that big bad depression that was disguised as a recession. 

I continue to work on my skills to become a better partner with my land. In 2014, I learned how to pull wires, and fully wired my cabin.  I learned plumbing.  I learned about (and love) composting toilets.  I still would like to learn welding, to put in a storm shelter, to put in a root cellar (though I think one shelter could do double duty there.  Don't be afraid to try.  What I am finding is there is always a retired person who knows how and is willing to share their knowledge. Failing that there are many YouTube videos that show every detail. 

 I would encourage those of my followers to step up and jump in.  It is possible (though harder) to get on a homestead and build it to be what you need it to become with little money.    Many people I talk with state they wish they could afford this venture.  To those I state, if you wait you may never get here.  Our country is failing, it is no longer the superpower I knew it to be in the 50's, 60's and 70's.  As a baby boomer, I have more chance to live longer, so beginning my venture in my late 50's means I only have maybe 40 more years to get this right.  I want to be established to live as self sufficiently as possible before our economy crashes again, perhaps worse than the last time. Yes, I have to have a full time job off the homestead, and I am slowly building to an off-grid lifestyle.  At this time, I am definitely on grid.  I like electricity, and am not financially wealthy enough to buy $10,000 dollars worth of solar panels, batteries, etc.  I buy a panel at a time, and a battery at a time, and will slowly build up to a full system. 

I will be adding chickens and perhaps cattle this year.  It is my dream to own a couple of Irish Dexter cows  and I have just the pasture for them.  Building the coop and fencing in the pasture are two projects that will commence soon! 

My wish for you this year, 2015, is to follow your dreams!  Find that piece of land, begin building to where you wish to be in ten years.  Be responsible, but definitely get started.  Let this year be the year of beginnings!  In the meantime, stay warm, dream over the seed catalogs, and stay tuned for the new projects here on the homestead.  Happy New Years from Barb and Boo on Silver Moon Homestead, May the Lord we serve richly bless you and yours and prosper you abundantly this coming year!